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Club Red Vanpool - ACHD Commuteride

Category: Visitor Information

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ACHD Commuteride, originally named Valley Commuteride, began in the early 1970s as a carpool matching service. In 1976, the vanpool program began with two rented vans from Sun Valley Transportation. Within 1 year, the vanpool program grew to four vans. Today, ACHD Commuteride operates Club Red, the longest running multi-employer vanpool program in the nation with 75+ vanpool routes serving seven counties. Club Red serves between 700 – 800 commuters from as far as Malheur, Oregon to Elmore County.

In 2019, Club Red saved over 170,000 passenger tips taking 10,017, 047 miles off Treasure Valley roads.  All while saving 7,863 tons of carbon dioxide from the valley’s air.  For more information on vanpool routes in the Treasure Valley, visit

Link to 360 degree view of van here: