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David R. Day: The Western Wanderer

Category: Events Calendar

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David R. Day wanders the west photographing everything from the grand vistas of Idaho's Teton and Sawtooth Mountains to faded signs, lonely highways and unique landmarks throughout the West.

David will display his new work at Art Source Gallery for the month of January. His show, “The Western Wanderer,” strives to present the American West as it is, was, and always will be.

Day’s love of photography traces into his school years as he took pictures for his high school yearbook, then portraits for friends and business colleagues. After studying photography in college his skills led to creating images for album covers and magazines. A Boise area native, his passion has become his career as a photographer, writer and documenter of life in the West.

Today David lives his life wandering the west, marveling in wonder, photographing the raw beauty, and loving the journey…always with a camera in hand.

You are invited to join David at his opening reception at Art Source Gallery, 1516 W Grove Street, January 4, 2024, 5:00 pm – 9:00 pm. Enjoy delicious goodies and tasty libations, the live music of Old Thyme and lots of free parking.